Last updated on March 8th, 2019 at 02:57 pm

Dan Brown - Senior Service Consultant MGEWant more new patients?

I know…stupid question…I’ll go ahead and check the “Yes” box for you!

Here’s a better question:

Are you taking full advantage of the potential “high-return” internet marketing opportunities available to your dental practice?

If you answered “no,” I have some good and bad news.

Lets’ start with the bad: If you’re not taking advantage of these opportunities – there’s a good chance that one of your competitors are. And they are seeing new patients that you could or really should be seeing.

All right – now here’s the good news: It’s never too late to take advantage of these opportunities in your practice.  You can easily change the trajectory of your practice and see many more new patients with a high return-on-investment.  All it takes is a little know-how, and some motivation. After all, nothing to is going to happen if you do…nothing!

To begin, you probably have many questions about how to incorporate an effective internet marketing plan into your practice.

To that end, we have a free, easy to follow e-book called: Dental Internet Marketing Basics (you can download it by clicking here). You’ll get an idea of where to start, along with what to do and how to easily and simply incorporate these ideas into your dental practice.  We’ve included the first chapter of the e-book below. And keep in mind – if you want to get serious about this – I’d recommend the MGE New Patient Workshop.  We cover everything in this e-book along with many other aspects of new patient acquisition – including phone skills, internal marketing and more. To that end, we have a special price for this service to start the year – I’d recommend that you take advantage of it!

And even if you’ve hired specialists to do your Marketing for you, I’d still recommend you attend the Workshop, as well as read this article and accompanying e-book. Why? Well, whether you like it or not – it’s your office! Your business. If things don’t come off you can always “blame” the “Marketing Specialist,” but they aren’t the one who has to deal with openings in the schedule and low production due to lack of new patients! It’s critical – whether you do your own marketing or not – that you have an idea of what your practice should and should not be doing.  It’s the only way to create sustained growth!

Alright, with that all said I’ll jump off my soapbox and get into this week’s post!

Excerpt from the first chapter of “Dental Internet Marketing Basics.”

With regards to internet marketing (or general internet “presence”), many businesses are often unfamiliar with where to start or how to be both present and current. With the hundreds, if not thousands, of opinions (and often the same number of “professionals” out there offering outsourced services), it can be daunting, confusing, overwhelming and frustrating.

Based on a survey done by Digital Examiner in August 2017, a large percentage of small to medium businesses who spend money on their digital marketing were found generally unsatisfied with their return on investment (“ROI”) and 45% didn’t know how to measure if they were getting adequate results.

The questions we hear most are:

  1. Where do we start? Specifically, what is most important, and then next most important, etc.?
  2. ROI? What will give the most return on investment (“ROI”)?
  3. How Big? How many pages should my website be, and how many words per page?
  4. Current? How often do I need to update my website?
  5. Which Ones? What social media platforms should I be involved with – and which ones specifically for my business?
  6. PAID SEO? What should I pay for Search Engine Optimization (“SEO”) and how often should I pay someone to do this for me or keep it current?
  7. Google Ads? Should I advertise with Google?
  8. Budget? If I advertise with Google, what kind of AdWords budget should I spend?
  9. Remarketing? If I spend money on paid advertising with Google, should I also spend money on remarketing (“remarketing” or “retargeting” is a clever way to connect with visitors to your website who may not have made an immediate purchase or enquiry by allowing you to position targeted ads in front of a defined audience that had previously visited your website as they browse elsewhere around the internet – such as when you search for a sleeping bag on Amazon, and then later browse a disrelated page and see that sleeping bag offered by Amazon again as if “by coincidence”)?
  10. Facebook? Should I advertise with Facebook, and if so, what kind of budget should I assign monthly and should I participate in their remarketing (“retargeting”)?

One may have many more questions, but the above are the most frequent questions we hear from those who have the least familiarity with the need of having a good online presence and engaging in online marketing.

(Related: Get the Most Out of Your Dental Marketing)

The short answer for numbers 7 through 10 is “yes”.  That said, business owners should understand the basics in this manual and ensure the earlier steps necessary for success are in place first.

This manual was created to help provide the basic understanding necessary to review your online presence, determine if there are essential changes needed and finally give you enough confidence to either tackle these points personally or know what to tell a professional offering outsourced service in this area.

To read the in-depth answers to the above questions, click here to download the free e-book or fill out the form below. You can save it and refer to it whenever you’d like!

If you have any questions as you read through the e-book, feel free to email me at danb@mgeonline.com.

Download your free e-book:


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