You may be happy with your fee schedule. But how often do you get paid your full fee for any given procedure?
If you’re like much of the dental profession, the answer is: not all that often due to participation in reduced fee insurance plans. Plans that have you writing off 30%, 40% or even 50% of your normal fee. Plans that require you to work harder and longer to meet your overhead and (hopefully) make a profit. Plans that have you practicing dentistry at a pace you might not have envisioned when you signed up with them.
Since the early 1990s, we’ve watched heavy managed care participation in the dental industry go from the outlier to the accepted norm. And we’re at the point nowadays, where a completely “fee-for-service” practice is the anomaly.
Dr. Greg Winteregg created a spreadsheet where you can input your own numbers and see what would happen if you dropped all plans and raised your fees.
How many patients would you have if you did that? What would your collections be? What would your overhead percentage look like? And most importantly, what would your PROFIT look like?
This spreadsheet gives you those exact numbers based of what you put into it.
Simply fill out the form and you’ll get an instant download of the spreadsheet for free!
Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 01:59 pm